In the Know

A Blog by 6PM

At 6 Pillars Marketing we understand that knowledge is power, and we’re here to share what we know with you. Dig in and learn about marketing trends and business insights that can help your business grow by leaps and bounds. If you find something interesting, feel free to share our content.

  • 4 reasons to embrace ai-powered marketing tools today

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    With the increased accessibility of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, businesses of all sizes can leverage this rapidly evolving technology today and position themselves well for the future. AI is no longer just for large enterprises with deep pockets…

  • Why your business needs experiential marketing

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    If you still doubt that experiential marketing can make a difference for your brand, you likely haven’t come to truly understand this unique strategy. Also known as engagement marketing, the approach calls for businesses to make emotional…

  • 12 tried-and-true methods for building your perfect audience

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Building a loyal, engaged audience is a key factor in any business’s success. Whether it’s growing your customer base or attracting subscribers and followers to your newsletters and social media accounts, it’s important to understand exactly who you’re trying to target and how to reach them…

  • 10 key strategies to help B2C businesses maintain consumer trust

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Becoming a successful small-business owner has never been easy, and finding success is an especially challenging venture in a crowded marketplace. If it’s a first-time venture, an entrepreneur may have little to no marketing experience and be overwhelmed…

  • 12 marketing mistakes many small businesses make (and what to do instead)

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Becoming a successful small-business owner has never been easy, and finding success is an especially challenging venture in a crowded marketplace. If it’s a first-time venture, an entrepreneur may have little to no marketing experience and be overwhelmed…

  • 12 features that can boost the effectiveness of a business website

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    When a business leader heads to another company’s website to review its services, find information or just check out the competition, it can be wise to stick around for a while and review the content, design and “extras” for inspiration. It’s likely that what you…

  • 7 common social media faux pas committed by businesses (and what to do instead)

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Nearly every business has at least one social media account these days — most have several. With the variety of platforms catered to a wide range of audiences, social media can be an essential and effective marketing tool for a business of any…

  • 8 best launch strategies for a rebrand

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Whether it’s time to upgrade your brand or change it completely because so many elements of the original aren’t working, sometimes rebranding is necessary. Once everything is in line, how you choose to launch the rebrand is critical for its success…

  • 9 unconventional ways to create fresh, engaging content

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Every business today has a blog, and every business leader wants to be a thought expert in their industry. With so much content out there already, it can be challenging to create fresh content that engages the target audience…

  • 13 ways to develop an organic marketing strategy

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    While businesses can (and do) spend a ton of money on marketing to see results, they don’t necessarily need to. With some creativity and clever strategizing in the marketing department, a company can see similar results doing it all on its own…

  • 8 ways to pivot a marketing strategy due to unforeseen circumstances

    8 ways to pivot a marketing strategy due to unforeseen circumstances

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Marketing campaigns are anything but static. They require constant tweaking and adjustments to ensure that they continue to resonate with loyal and potential customers…

  • 10-tips-for-standing-your-ground-with-a-customer-whos-in-the-wrong-without-alienating-them

    10 tips for standing your ground with a customer who’s in the wrong (without alienating them)

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    It’s a cliché known far and wide: “The customer is always right.” Most business leaders understand this adage isn’t meant literally but is more a reminder to maintain a focus on meeting customers’ real needs. But experienced business leaders…

  • 16 often-overlooked steps in building an effective marketing campaign

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Developing a great product or service is only the first step in bringing the world to your business’s door. The second, equally important step is getting the message out to potential customers about what you have to offer and helping them understand…

  • 13 website design elements that can increase sales and engagement

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Anyone can make a website, but a successful one that drives engagement and increases sales must contain certain elements. From eye-catching designs to ease of use and other elements in-between, it takes a lot of diligence and savvy to make your site, products and services…

  • Boost social media marketing success with video ads

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    It is easy to forget that the dynamic online social universe we know today began in 2004 as a simple profile-centric, text-based network for college students. Eighteen years later, Facebook and the many new platforms that followed have evolved…

  • 7 creative ways a small company can up its social media game

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    An accessible marketing tool for businesses of any size, social media can really help a business connect with the public and grow its customer base when it’s utilized properly. And with some careful thought and planning, social media is an outreach…

  • 16 common mistakes sales reps make when meeting a new prospect

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This age-old adage couldn’t be more relevant than it is in the world of sales. One of the most challenging parts of being a sales representative is winning the trust of potential clients…

  • Prepare an online reputation management strategy to protect your brand

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    As businesses continue the recovery process following the global pandemic, it is an ideal time to look at lessons learned and consider future practices. In 2020, airlines, hotels and tour companies faced unprecedented levels of cancellations, rescheduling and many…

  • Seven ways business owners can avoid public outrage after a misstep

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Even when you plan for everything to go well and smoothly, running a business is full of risks. It’s crucial to know how to handle every type of mistake you can think of before one takes your business down. When one simple misstep can spell disaster…

  • 15 ways for business leaders to proactively prepare for digital threats

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Doing business online comes with a broad set of benefits that can make it easier to reach a worldwide audience and cut costs, to name just a couple. At the same time, operating in the digital realm comes with its own challenges as well…

  • Explore new social media opportunities to grow in 2022

    written by Lincoln Jacobe, CEO, 6 Pillars Marketing

    Many business owners and marketers already use social media to gain access to the target audiences they crave to reach. However, even as your social media marketing plan appears to be humming along for the moment…

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