12 features that can boost the effectiveness of a business website

When a business leader heads to another company’s website to review its services, find information or just check out the competition, it can be wise to stick around for a while and review the content, design and “extras” for inspiration. It’s likely that what you…

7 common social media faux pas committed by businesses (and what to do instead)

Nearly every business has at least one social media account these days — most have several. With the variety of platforms catered to a wide range of audiences, social media can be an essential and effective marketing tool for a business of any…

8 best launch strategies for a rebrand

8 best launch strategies for a rebrand

Whether it’s time to upgrade your brand or change it completely because so many elements of the original aren’t working, sometimes rebranding is necessary. Once everything is in line, how you choose to launch the rebrand is critical for its success…

9 unconventional ways to create fresh, engaging content

Every business today has a blog, and every business leader wants to be a thought expert in their industry. With so much content out there already, it can be challenging to create fresh content that engages the target audience…

13 ways to develop an organic marketing strategy

13 ways to develop an organic marketing strategy

While businesses can (and do) spend a ton of money on marketing to see results, they don’t necessarily need to. With some creativity and clever strategizing in the marketing department, a company can see similar results doing it all on its own…